here I am. 33 years and 11 months old at time 20:52 GMT on the 15th
December 2012; less than 6 days until the Mayan prophesised ending of the
world; which seems somewhat ironic as approximately a month ago my world truly
began; yes, began at age 33, 10 months sometime in November, when after taking
the test over and over again; approximately half a dozen times, I tested
positive for Asperger Syndrome, the little known social and neurological
condition that scientists even recently can’t decide where on the Autistic
Spectrum it truly belongs, no thanks to the DSM. So not a moment after I have a
psychological identity to my mental schematic that they go and change it,
titles are words and words are boundless so let’s for now stick to what we have
which this; I am an Aspie.
is a pictorial demonstration of the world I lived and still live in and will
continue to live in until I am dead...
It was an indistuingiuishable
sensation to a reaction I could not put an immediate terminology upon that
could accurately ascertain how I felt when I got the AQ (Autistic Quotient)
that finally settled over 33 years of pain, depression, alcohol addiction, loneliness,
social incongruency and lack of self recognition, I guess instantaneous shock
which quickly subsided to the fathoming that I had just trodden upon the
stepping stone that swallows up the ocean and suddenly my feet found for the
first time, solid grounding.
For some reason it feels almost personally
fruitless to provide multiple and/or layered adjectives toward something that
so many Aspies in so many pre-existing blogs to mine own do so much the same, as
to describe/explain what Asperger Syndrome is, I feel the best way would be to
allow another persons work do the job for me, below is a link to what I could see is
the best and simplest edit of what AS is...
For me personally I could almost sit back and tell
the world; I told you so, but tell them what? Other than I somehow knew I
didn’t fit in, that I could fathom resolution when others couldn’t, that bright
lights bothered me, that noisy environments pissed me off, that I hate to be
mocked or disagreed with, that I utterly detest small talk, that the repeat
play of life bores the hell out of me.
For example, I walk into work on a Monday, a
Tuesday, a Wednesday, a Thursday or a Friday and my boss says to me “Morning!”
and yet if I didn’t joyfully repeat back what he had just said there was an
issue, yet there are 5 working days in the weeks of the year that’s 52x5=260 mornings, where
this pointless exchange takes place, assuming the days holidays are not
considered in this demonstration and furthermore, I have a keeper of the time
called a mobile phone (Cell phone for all others) so why do I need to be
greeted, reminded and bored to death but then sent to the gallows when repatriated with such enthusiasm of something I am already aware of, don’t much care about,
is irrelevant to its constant occurrence and yet seemingly so honoured by NTs.
NTs? Neurotypicals, the everyday folk of the Aspie’s world that we must
tolerate, unfortunately, me as well.
This is only an introduction and I mean only to
simply use this platform as a manner of saying hello; I wish the purpose of
future blogs to communication with fellow Aspies and education persons who wish
to open their minds to what it is to be an Aspie; also to demonstrate
personally how I see the world, bring about discussion as much as I can, I feel
it important that if we are truly 1 in 25 to the power hundred of populous
existence then we all need to shout louder.
Thank you for reading.
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