“Less think, more do!” - Shardé Finn (Gym Instructor /
Director) – Swan Leisure Centre, Rathmines, Dublin.
As being a certified Aspie, health and fitness has been
an on and off affair; however in the close of 2013 and beginning of 2014 I
started taking it seriously. I made mistakes but have since learnt from them
and now have pretty much got my programme in check and my health is radically
improving after discovering 3 months ago my cholesterol was sky high and I was
piling on the lbs due, not due to inefficient exercise but an awful diet
something I will come to later.
So now, why write this blog? Well, it has certainly come
to my attention that, being an Aspie with ADHD and having a history of battling
depression I noticed that doctors, health experts, psychologists and
psychiatrists concentrate more so much on the brain and almost invariably forget
what’s carrying it around; the vessel of the human body!
From the one who has PTSD to Schizophrenia, from
Aspergers to Autism, from Down syndrome to having the mental age of a child,
the body is the same in each and every one of us; yes the brain is the most
important organ in the collection but the rest is no less important in fact
essential to keep healthy. We’re encouraged to keep our brain healthy via
“brain exercises” so why neglect the body for the sheer sake of having a brain
which is wired differently from the rest of the general populous?
The answer is simple, you don’t; the body is a vessel
just like a car; if it sits in the garage it will only rust! If you sit on your
backside concentrating solely on the brain the vessel will descend into a
scourge of fat gain, loss of energy and disease.
For me being an Aspie I discovered the very benefits of
fitness which helps in a huge way with the following areas;
1. Mental
Focus – Keeping a concentration on techniques and exercise completion.
2. Ridding
of Anxiety – Throwing yourself into the programme boosts positive vibes.
3. Channelling
nervous energy – Having a core vision to aim for.
4. Self
confidence – Seeing your body improve overtime is highly rewarding.
5. Health
(Obviously) – Speaks for itself.
6. Goal
orientation – Helps the mind locate specific pathways & aims to shoot for.
7. Immune
Support – A body that’s worked is a body that works!
For me I pick up weights and have been for the last year,
my programme is below...
The programme works for me as I am me not you, when I
first joined the gym I admit I didn’t have a clue but I had some fantastic
instructors - Swan Leisure Centre, Rathmines, Dublin. But safe to say that what works for one is not
for the other, so here’s a few tips for an Aspie entering fitness for the first
1. Always
complete an induction.
2. Ask
as many questions as you see fit.
3. Never
be afraid to make mistakes, it’s how we learn, but always err to the side of
4. Discuss
at length with an instructor what you want to achieve.
5. Know
your limitations.
6. Set
yourself realistic goals.
7. Achieve
those goals!
I cannot stress enough how important it is to find the
right balance between your programme and what you eat. As I said earlier I made
mistakes, one of them was diet and from talking to other lads who pick up
weights in the gym they made the same mistakes too.
At the start of the year I had my programme more or less
perfected and I thought I was doing really well. As far as the workload was going and I was
gaining strength very quickly. So why was I putting on so much fat weight?
The truth is a bit of a story, at first everything was
fine, then the fat starting creeping back, then I had problems with the bits
down below where as (and I am going to be brutally honest here) I started to
get Erectile Dysfunction, now, I’ve suffered this in the past when I use to
have a drinking problem but here I was, no longer drinking anywhere near the
amounts I used to and hello, the old issue re-arose again.
Before I go any further, know this, Erectile Dysfunction
is NOTHING to be embarrassed or ashamed about, it happens to the best of all
men but it is however, an indicator something is wrong. So off I went to see my
GP who performed a number of tests and discovered that my blood pressure was stuck
to the ceiling, my pulse was heavy and fast so concluded I had a circulatory
problem and a further blood test showed my cholesterol as sky high.
What was the cause? A bad diet!
I was eating so much protein laden foods, various meats
with little or no veg, triple egg omelettes and tins upon tins of fish,
thinking I was doing it right. So thus I was inputting more protein than my
body could handle as well as the huge amount of calories that accompanied said
protein (thus fat weight gain) and thus in turn the waste was being transferred
to my kidneys causing them to be overworked (hence my high cholesterol) which
resulted in causing my high blood pressure and circulatory problems and...
and... and... leaving me feeling pretty crap about myself, so now you see my
point about looking after the vessel as well the brain.
I felt like a right idiot but not one to admit defeat, so
thus, I lowered the weights and did more reps, ate only two portions of meat a
day, threw out my protein powders and started afresh.
But then I discovered, Paleo! It was a god send (and
that’s coming from an Atheist) which to me spoke volumes of common sense. For
those who don’t what a Paleo diet is, well, put quite simply, it’s a land
foraging diet.
The best way to allocate a Paleo menu is to look at what
you exclude...
1. Dairy
– Milk, Butter, Creams, Cheese, Pasta.
2. Legumes
– Peanuts, Green Beans, Corn, Peas, Beans, Lentils.
3. Processed
Meats - Sausages, wafer chicken slices,
anything with a smiley face drawn on it.
4. Processed
Drinks – Energy Drinks, Coca Cola & All other sugar laden soft drinks.
5. Factory
Poop – Anything from the backside of a factory containing all things pertaining
to artificiality.
So extrapolate that in a narrowed perspective that
all things in the supermarket now that remains have come from the land, i.e.
Fresh vegetable, Fruit, Fresh Meats, Nuts, Salads. If it’s been covered in something (batter, breadcrumbs)
then it isn’t Paleo.
For further reading on Paleo please go to this excellent
website here... http://thepaleodiet.com/
I live by a golden rule now: “Eat what Mother Nature
intended because Convenience will kill you!”
For some ideas on Paleo meals go to my FaceBook photo
album here...
So it pretty much went like this, I was over 16 stone at
the beginning of 2014, I then starting losing weight only to put it all back on
again a few months later, I was at least 16 and a half stone again by
midsummer, then starting to eat right and tweaked my programme and thus, I
weighed myself again a month or so ago and I was down to 14.4 stone that’s about
92kgs. So I’ve lost two stone in three months, plus put on muscle weight and
will continue to do so.
Remember: This is what I chose to do; I, nor is anyone
else asking you to be pro bodybuilder and neither am I.
Now, after 6 months...
Mental Health
So how does all this help with other conditions, some of
these may fascinate you but their all true...
Schizophrenia: There was a study
published in the Archives of General Psychiatry...
“...found that schizophrenics who cycled three
times a week for 30 minutes significantly increased the volume of the
hippocampus, a section of the brain important in memory and spatial perception.
The hippocampus is often found to be smaller in schizophrenics. Subjects also
experienced modest gains in short-term memory.”
That to me speaks volumes of getting off your backside
and getting moving, this was a study on a simple daily cycle ride for crying
out loud, so come one and all, think about it, weights, treadmill, machines and
the right diet, just imagine the better world awaiting you??!!
Read the rest of that here... http://www.livestrong.com/article/417782-exercise-schizophrenia/
Depression: It is well known that
exercise defeats depression exponentially due to the release of endorphins
which encourages the depletion of pain sensation and thus prepares the body for
hard work for longer periods of time.
However, as I well know myself, depression can be tricky
because depression will tell you that you’re not worth it, that you’re too
tired, that’s all too hard...
I say this, don’t you believe it! A friend from many a
year ago once told me...
“...depression is nature’s greatest bluff!”
And he was absolutely right; anytime I feel it coming on
and the downward spiral begins that’s when I dig deep, you literally punch
through it and retain the control I have for my brain to command the mind not
the other way around, my mind will do as it’s told.
Remember; there is nothing that can’t be achieved when
feeling depressed than when you could feeling equilibrium.
Asperger Syndrome: Aspies would you
believe, actually have the upper hand, we get into a routine and stick to it,
we learn fast and it sticks. I for one have my entire programme in my mind and
recall everything from memory while I observe Neurotypicals having to write it
all down and rely on folders and clipboards, I can’t help but feel a bit smug
about that!!!
Aspies will put everything into it, 100% commitment once
we get the grasp, all I need is a clear path and my energy is derived from,
already mentioned – diet but also from being prone to environmental sensory
issues, so I put all that stress, aggression, frustration and anxiety into a
box in my head and let it out onto the weights and I find I can determine for
myself a much more intense and focused workout; kicking ass comes as standard.
The result is a calmer mind, a stronger body and a
sharper brain atop a vessel that is working right. As I said, a body that is
worked is a body that works.
For more go here... http://www.livestrong.com/article/429000-physical-exercises-for-aspergers/
Down Syndrome: Take a look at the photos
below, says it all...
So the bottom line it seems is simply this, no matter
what your state of mental health your body is pretty much the same as everyone else's in respect to fitness and exercise
helps, it helps A LOT. From improving
social anxiety, ridding the mind of depression and even improving the structure
of the brain for those that are Schizophrenic and furthermore, even better than
all this, is that we are ALL capable; at Swan Leisure centre where I work out I
see disabled people, I see people who have to get off a machine to start
stimming then jump right back on the machine again, I even see people talking
to themselves but first and foremost, their working at it in terms of bettering the body...
Their all making a positive difference, so what about
Thank you for reading
If you live in Dublin and want more information on Swan Leisure Centre in Rathmines, please Click Here